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Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Things get tough at times. We sometimes feel like tossing in the towel, just giving up. We may feel that everything is working against us. Either way we slice it, we just don’t want to deal with it anymore.

Some of these feelings of discouragement are rooted in selfishness. Not all of our discouraging feelings are calculated from a selfish act or desire. However, when we analyze troubled times going back in our history we will find that many of our feelings of discouragement were because we were thinking selfishly. When we had our own interests above that of another or when our plans were more important than those involved, our minds and hearts would not allow us to see clearly the feelings of those around us. We begin to react negatively and this further narrows our vision of assistance to those we care about. This is an act of selfishness.

To overcome troubling times there’s a phenomenal concept to increase joy, its service. Do something to lift the burden of someone near you. When you move toward helping another, your vision for those around you broadens and you begin to lift personal heartaches and depression. It has everything to do with your vision.

If the room you’re walking through is dark you could stub your toe if you’re not careful. You take extra precaution in movement and your focus is on obstacles that could be in your way. You have one objective: get to where you’re trying to go without bumping into anything and getting hurt. Think of service as turning the light on. Your senses will be better able to clearly see all obstacles around you. When you clearly see obstacles, navigation becomes easier. Learning to navigate toward happiness can be achieved when vision is increased, when you see more of the picture. When your vision increases you begin to see there maybe more than just you in the room.