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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Consistent Trust

The center of our solar system, what our earth orbits, and the driving force of our climate, the sun has played a role in every life that has lived since the dawn of time. Every morning you can expect the sun to be there, it’s reliable. The sun has a similar attribute to relational communication; connections are gained by trust and trust is gained and maintained through reliability.

It’s very easy to understand what trust is. It’s easy because we can refer to those with whom we’ve trusted and those we haven’t. We’re able to understand trust because we know the feeling trust brings. Trust within a relationship is easily obtained when consistency is part of the affiliation. For the mother or father, the preparation of dinner instills a trust that food will be provided every night to the children. For the employee, the consistent, daily arrival provides a level of trust to the employer. For the friend, a deep, lasting relationship is formed when they’re there every time things get tough.

Consistency is an integral part in building trust within a social setting. Those with whom you’re unable to be consistent around will be less likely to follow or engage because of their lack of trust in you. They will have every right to doubt further actions from you. Consistency fosters reliability. As with the sun’s consistency, your reliability will forge stronger associations and build greater communication portals.

Your body reacts to consistency too; the effects of changing sleep patterns or altering your diet will drastically change your body’s composition and ability. The sun, your body, and every interpersonal relationship must be reliable to function within its atmosphere properly. These systems may only be reliable if founded on consistency.

To gain trust and increase your communication collateral you must be reliable, in part by being consistent.

1 comment:

  1. So true ! There is a priceless sense of security when consistency and trust are part of our lives...along with great peace of mind.
