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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Move Forward

Inspirational is the resounding fortitude of our great nation. Regardless of your party affiliation or opinion of our new or past President we as Americans should be proud of a system that transitions without bloodshed or anarchy. Even today as I write these words there are systems of government that cannot accomplish such feats. The United States of America though many of its inhabitants have differing views on a multitude of issues has a system that inevitably moves forward with determination to increase efficiency and the general well being of its citizens.

It’s the differing of views that creates growth by efforts being exhorted toward desired accomplishments. The developments in our country have been made possible by those willing to think and work. Each of the United States citizens has had independent and unique personal growth that entitles them to their view of their circumstances and their ability to adapt. Greatness in a body of citizens or a form of government is achieved when the system, though the opinions of its contributors may differ, can move forward in order and resolve.

Today as we mark the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, we have witnessed our ability to move forward in order and resolve. If a body of over 300 million can transition, though beliefs do not always align, we too, in our personal relationships must make it our resolve to accept different views and move forward.

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