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Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Sincere Quality

Sometimes you meet someone you like. For some reason they have qualities that are hard to explain but you’re intrigued. They seem to understand you and really accept your point of view. They seem sincere, nice, and you feel better when you’re around them. Can you think of someone with whom you’ve met and within a short time you felt like this person is someone you can really get to know, you wouldn’t mind spending more time with them? Think of how they made you feel.

This example will hopefully bring to mind some experiences you may have had. I’m sure we could think of thousands of reasons why you may have felt the way you did but I can attest that all those reasons are magnified by a simple, yet essential skill. That skill is listening. Listening strengthens relationships, builds trust, and is a sincere compliment.

Think again of the example you used in someone that you really enjoyed, someone you wanted to spend more time with. Can you with any ounce of honesty say that they’re a bad listener? I doubt it. This is true because those that have the skill of listening attract others. People confide in a good listener and want to be associated with them.

Not listening is dangerous, you aren’t prepared, and you won’t know how to react. If you find it hard to listen to others you will be labeled a bore and someone that’s self absorbed and interested only in your own merits and desires. You’ll have to try harder to make friends and influence others.

A way to become a better listener is by using the examples of those that make you feel good. Take their example and emulate it. Make it your primary goal to understand others. Your listening skills will build stronger relationships, more so than any other talent or procedure. Commit to listening and you’ll open new communication lines with everyone you know.

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